Tag: usc
Building a resource-sharing community
Why collaboration and accessibility are at the core of the Journalism Source of Safety project.
Reporting in spaces of civil unrest
How your approach to public engagement impacts your safety profile.
Journalism’s broken talent pipeline
It’s impossible to address what journalists do and why we exist without understanding how and who becomes a journalist today.
RJI announces finalists for annual student innovation competition
10 teams from across U.S. to help newsrooms connect with audiences
Mixed reality: Meeting readers where they are
Trent Tarantino is the RJI Student Innovation Fellow at the Washington Post in Washington, D.C. This summer our student fellows will be sharing dispatches from their fellowships in newsrooms across the country as a part of Innovation in Focus. Jeremy Gilbert, of The Washington Post, and Robert Hernandez, of USC Annenberg, discuss mixed reality for … Continued
Leadership and culture are linchpins of digital transformation in the newsroom
Little has proven more challenging for newspaper newsrooms than their transformation to digital news and information providers. It takes much more than learning new skills, although those are important. It’s a matter of re-engineering journalists’ attitudes and their relationships with news consumers, as well changing newsroom workflows and priorities. It takes significant culture change; both … Continued