Stories About Mike Fancher
A 2008-2009 Reynolds Fellow leads development of new journalism innovation center at Oregon
An innovation center committed to exploring how citizens can interact and gain value from journalism is becoming reality for the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism, thanks to a generous anonymous donor. UO alumnus Mike Fancher has been tasked with launching the new think tank — the Center for Journalism Innovation and Civic Engagement — … Continued
‘Solutions’ and journalism grow closer together — what are implications for independence?
There is increasing momentum driving the idea that mainstream journalism — and the ethics training around it — should include the notion that it is not only OK but essential for reporters to report and even help convene community conversation around “solutions” to problems. But what does this do to the notion of independence? J-Lab … Continued
2012: What we know now on building public trust, raising money and a free press
Was 2012 prosperous for publishers? The four-part series continues, with this third installment offering key lessons from three well-respected practitioners known for thinking outside the box. Mike Fancher, veteran news business strategist and 2008–2009 Reynolds Fellow; Lila LaHood, director of operations and development at San Francisco Public Press; and Keith Hammonds, director of Ashoka’s Knowledge … Continued
Pivot Point: Next steps
Last month, the Reynolds Journalism Institute convened 34 engineers, publishers, editors, researchers and academics in Chicago for a gathering entitled: “Pivot Point: Reinventing Community, Reinventing News in a Connected World.” In this post, we’ll report on why we gathered, what we did, and what should happen next. We’d like your suggestions. Please email, or … Continued
Value of journalism may lie in the art of listening
What value do journalists bring to the news? Boiled down, that’s the question that newspapers, independent news publishers, journalism schools and individual reporters have been contemplating for the last decade. Exactly what is it the news consumers have been paying for? And how do we keep people paying, so that reporters can keep reporting? I’ve … Continued
An interview with Mike Fancher, author of Re-Imagining Journalism: Local News for a Networked World
Across the field of journalism we’ve had an “information infusion” from a broad range of sources over the summer. Analysis, review and reporting from the likes of PEW, Knight, the Economist, Clay Shirky, the FCC’s recent 450+ page report furthering the analysis Knight Foundation started two years ago, and CJR’s recent write up “What We … Continued
What do we mean by engagement? An RJI fellow ponders
In 2008-2009, Donald W. Reynolds Fellow Mike Fancher concluded that journalists needed to develop a “new ethic of public engagement” as an enhancement or amendment to The Journalist’s Creed. This year, Reynolds Fellow Joy Mayer has been following that thread. She’s been asking: “What do we mean by engagement?” The idea of sorting out the meaning … Continued
ONA ADVISORY: The Public Insight Network from Minneapolis will be out in force
One of the most innovative, ongoing projects in community and citizen media is the Public Insight Network Project launched by Andrew Haeg and Michael Skoler six years ago at Minnesota Public Radio. After a long period of careful incubation — including bulding a highly active network of engaged listeners around Minnesota — PIN is now … Continued
So you call yourself a journalist. What does that mean?
Reynolds Fellow Mike Fancher and students at the Missouri School of Journalism tackle the question of the century. Mike Fancher was the executive editor at the Seattle Times for 20 years. This year, he’s a fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute, where he’s seeking to answer to some of the most important questions facing journalists … Continued