News organizations getting significant boost from phablets

2015 RJI Mobile Media Research Report 1 Large-screen smartphone owners between the ages of 25 and 34 are the most frequent news consumers U.S. adults who have a phablet —a smartphone with a 5- to 7-inch screen — are much more likely to use it for consuming news than those who have a standard-size smartphone, … Continued

Alphabet-soup roundup of fall industry events, part one

The fall rush of industry meetings (ONA, LMA, NNA, SNPA and ASNE/APME) got underway in late September and ended Oct. 18, giving you only a one-week respite before heading into Inland. Whew! Missed one or more of these meetings? I’ll offer a brief recap of themes, noteworthy statements and observations, plus links to additional coverage. … Continued

Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 3

NewsRepublic NewsRepublic was founded in 2008 by CEO Gilles Raymond. In March 2012 it received a Series A $3 million investment and in October 2013 it received a Series B $6 million VC funding. As explained on an earlier version of their site, “NewsRepublic is a global news app that lets you be your own … Continued

Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 2

Google Play Newsstand Google has made several attempts at media aggregation, first with Google News in 2002, which was deemed beta for the first three years. It promotes itself as a service that “aggregates real-time news content from news sources around the world, generating 72 editions in 55 languages, and powering Google’s news search. In … Continued