Open the Room Project helps journalists, citizens and towns broadcast on Facebook Live

This week we launch the Open the Room Project, which provides community journalists, citizen activists and town administrators with step-by-step directions to build a scalable, affordable system for streaming public meetings, events and sporting contests. The project was inspired by citizen activists who are streaming town council meetings via smartphones to Facebook Live. Our work … Continued

RJI Fellow expands work on mobile news app for smaller news organizations

Push notifications from The New York Times, the Guardian, BuzzFeed and The Washington Post alert us every day to scandal, horror, scientific achievement and grief. However, this capability lies mainly in the realm of large news organizations. Without a 24-hour news desk, smaller news outlets — especially weeklies and investigative centers — struggle to remind users … Continued

Katherine Boss: Lightning rounds: Challenges facing preservation of born-digital news applications

Scroll to view transcript KATY BOSS: [00:08] Hi everybody. You guys probably remember me from yesterday, but I'll do quick introductions again. I'm Katy Boss. I'm at the New York University Libraries, librarian for journalism, media culture and communication. My two co-authors on this project are Eva Revear and Meredith Broussard, who you guys heard from earlier in the news apps panel; both are at … Continued

Journalism, the intelligence community and technology

Editor’s note: The author, who spent a year as an RJI Fellow exploring ways to report and create news stories using databases, has recently received funding to develop intelligence applications of his Structured Stories journalism database. The funding is being provided by the U.S. federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.