Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News

October 13–14, 2016
Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News, was held at the UCLA Library. It explored preservation and access of content produced by not only traditional media outlets, but also alternative online sources and citizen journalists.
Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News stories
Memory holes and permanent errors: Part 3
The preservation of online news corrections, updates and post-publication edits.
Memory holes and permanent errors: Part 2
The preservation of online news corrections, updates and post-publication edits.
Memory holes and permanent errors: Part 1
The preservation of online news corrections, updates and post-publication edits.
Jefferson Bailey: Lightning rounds: Supporting Data-Driven Research using News-Related Web Archives
Scroll to view transcript JEFFERSON BAILEY: [00:11]: Before I start, one of our sort of mantras at IA, is, “bits in, bits out.” So, I like that Mark did “bits in” and then I’m going to do “bits out.” Let’s see how it goes. [00:38] So, I wanted to talk about trying to get web archives into the hands of researchers, especially for computational…
Mark Graham: Lightning rounds: Archiving news at the Internet Archive
Scroll to view transcript Mark Graham: [00:10] Hi, I'm Mark Graham. I have the honor of working at the Internet Archive managing the Wayback Machine. Most recently, I worked at NBC News Digital. I also remember that 25 years ago I was publishing FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting online. So, this is the Internet Archive; we're a nonprofit library based…
Edward McCain and Ginny Steele: Welcome
Scroll to view transcript EDWARD MCCAIN: [00:07] Welcome to the fourth Dodging the Memory Hole event. It's part of our outreach effort from the Journalism Digital News Archive at the University of Missouri. It's great to have you here. We're going to focus, today, on saving online news. We've talked about "born digital" for a while, but I think the…
Edward McCain: Goals of the conference
Video of Edward McCain discussing the goals of Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News.
Tim Groeling: Preserving TV News
Scroll to view transcript TIM GROELING: [00:08] So, I’m going to be talking about the NewsScape Project, which is put together by Professor Francis Steen. I got this picture in part because it is one of the rare pictures you’ll find of Paul Rosenthal that also has Francis over his shoulder right there, so it’s…
John Berlin: Twitter Feed Monitoring and Automatic Archival Through WAIL
John Berlin of Suffolk, Virginia, is a computer science student at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, where he works for the Web Science and Digital Libraries Research Group. His project is a report titled “Dodging the Memory Hole Project Report: Twitter Feed Monitoring and Automatic Archival Through WAIL.” The project seeks to extend the…
Hanna Soltys: DTMH 2016 Scholarship Project
Hanna Soltys of St. Louis studies library and information science at Simmons College in Boston. Her project focuses on a look at the landscape of digital news, why digital news archiving solutions aren’t one-size fits all due to dynamic content and social media and examines solutions from other industries and entities working to save digital…