A Trusting News analysis: What news consumers say they trust

Trusting News Project ReportDownload Fundamentally, news consumers trust journalism that they find to be balanced, in-depth, honest and reputable.  Those qualities appeared over and over in an analysis of 81 in-depth interviews our newsroom partners conducted with members of their communities. And when asked directly about what defines quality journalism, they were at the top … Continued

Earn trust by sharing what motivates your journalism

Originally published on Medium Journalists, we need to talk more about the “why” of what we do. What does the profession exist to do? Who do we serve? Why are we doing this story or covering this issue? These questions do not have simple answers, of course. We’re motivated to different degrees by a variety … Continued

Old guard, new models

Victor Hernandez, Banjo, moderator Jeff Sonderman, American Press Institute Kate Butler, Associated Press Seth Rogin, Nucleus Marketing Mark Maassen, Missouri Press Association While traditional platforms and channels still make up the bulwark of monetization streams for the “old guard” in media, many are seeking new, alternative revenue streams, some of while fall well outside of … Continued

Fact-checkers believe appetite for accuracy will grow despite a lack of trust in news

WASHINGTON — Journalists for the three leading fact-checking organizations say their role is to examine the claims of politicians and present the facts, not persuade the public of certain conclusions. The fact-checkers spoke Thursday at the 2017 Hurley Symposium titled “Fact-Checking, Fake News and the Future of Political Reporting,” hosted by the National Press Club. … Continued