Exploring Government 2.0

I’m excited about the potential of Government 2.0, a growing movement to use the Internet to improve government practices and make government more transparent and participatory. Here’s what organizers of last fall’s Gov 2.0 summit say: “Over the past fifteen years, the rise of the World Wide Web has resulted in remarkable new possibilities and … Continued


The JurnoWiki site was created by Jane Stevens, Amy Gahran, Adam Glenn, and Bill Mitchell in Spring 2009 as a resource for journalists. For more information contact Jane Stevens or RJI Who are Jurnos? Jurnos are entrepreneurs. Jurnos come from all walks of life. Jurnos are community managers. Jurnos are community organizers. Jurnos are catalysts … Continued

Jane Stevens’ report after the launch event: ‘With crisis comes opportunity…’

More than 100 journalists, advertising experts, community activists, technology experts, librarians, educators and students gathered — from Washington, D.C. to Hawaii, in person and virtually — for an RJI Talkfest to launch the RJI Collaboratory, a news organization incubator for Web-based entrepreneurial journalists. As the first example of how the RJI Collaboratory plans to be … Continued