Tag: Innovation lab
Nolan Xiong finds new purpose as journalism student, RJI student innovation staffer
Nolan Xiong didn’t plan to go to school for journalism. In fact, after leaving Spokane Community College in Spokane, Washington, and heading to Minneapolis, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go back to school at all.
The insults “stupid, fat, ugly” are just another day at work
The insults that hurt the most are those that imply that Latina journalists don’t belong in the news space “I have got accustomed that they call me ugly, fat, whore, stupid Puerto Rican, the N word. I’m used to the threats that they will rape me or beat me,”says Helen Ubiñas, a Boricua born in … Continued
Instagram Reels: Historic homes
Next week: Our tips and tricks for making your own reels! Sara Dingmann is a University of Missouri journalism student and innovation lab student staff member.
Kapwing: Tips and tricks
This month I tested Kapwing Studio, a free online editing tool where users can make videos and GIFs with original news content for social platforms. Overall, my experience with Kapwing was positive. I set out to utilize Kapwing’s tools to create factual guide videos for Missouri voters for RJI’s social feeds. I experimented with various features … Continued
Tips for using research to make behavioral analytics useful
“What we really want is to be the light that illuminates the newsroom as we move forward on our journalistic and business goals,” James Robinson, director of analytics for The New York Times said on the power of analytics. “If people can’t use that light to see where they’re going, they’re going to get stuck … Continued
Voice delivered news: Tips and Tools
5 tips to get started integrating your news content with voice activated devices
Delivering news onto a digital porch
This summer for Innovation in Focus we are exploring news organizations which function through new, emerging or unique revenue models.