Tag: Innovation
FL#194: Immersive video conversations with Portals
Portals take video conferencing to the next level. The project combines new technology with a set of gold-painted shipping containers to enable people across the globe to converse as if they were side by side. Amar Bakshi, a former journalist who created the project, explains how it could expand upon traditional coverage of global news … Continued
What an Idaho TV station is learning from flying a drone
We asked newsrooms and ad agencies what they are doing today that they weren’t doing a year ago. Turns out quite a lot! This new RJI series will highlight some of the innovations and experiments we discovered and share what leaders are learning along the way. We call it The What’s New? Q&A.
FL#192: Audio sharing via SoundBYTE
(Video missing) SoundBYTE is a social app that allows users to record and share audio with followers around the world, 14 seconds at a time. We find out how it works from Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Dan Kearns. Reporting by Kexin Sun, Rachel Wise and Jessica King. Additional information The app is free and … Continued
Journalism, the intelligence community and technology
Editor’s note: The author, who spent a year as an RJI Fellow exploring ways to report and create news stories using databases, has recently received funding to develop intelligence applications of his Structured Stories journalism database. The funding is being provided by the U.S. federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
FL#188: Assembling social posts with Roundabout
(Video missing) Roundabout is a tool for creating customized, continually updated feeds of social media content from multiple accounts and platforms. The resulting collection of posts can be embedded within a webpage, enabling online viewers to see the grouped social media content all in one place. We find out how it works from Chief Executive … Continued
How do you connect disconnected people to the internet and digital news? There’ll be an app for that
My cousin lives in Cuba. He is one of the lucky 250,000 Cubans (out of 11.2 million) who connects to the internet every day. To connect, he first purchases an access card from ETECSA, the state-owned telecommunication company, at 2 CUC per hour of internet (10 percent of the average salary for a Cuban citizen). … Continued
How The Washington Post built a publishing platform accidentally on purpose
The Elizabethan dramaturge John Webster gave one of his characters these immortal words: “There’s nothing of so infinite vexation/As man’s own thoughts.” Of course, he was lucky enough to live nearly 400 years before the first content management system was invented. In early 2013, The Washington Post found itself in a particularly vexing situation: The … Continued
InkaBinka: The news startup that’s actually a technology company
Dutch graduate students visited four U.S. journalism startups between December 2015 and February 2016 to observe how these entrepreneurs “make it work” and, in the process, redefine what it means to be a journalist. Their work is part of Beyond Journalism, a study of entrepreneurial journalism by 2015-2016 RJI Fellows Tamara Witschge and Mark Deuze, both journalism professors in the Netherlands.