Tag: Journalism education
Development competition finalists come up with ideas for making news more accessible in smart homes
Four finalist RJI Student Competition teams challenged to make news more accessible for the smart home have come up with ideas including interactive smart mirrors and the ability to ask basic questions about what they’re watching on TV news. The research firm Gartner projects there will be 20.4 billion “connected things” being used by 2020. … Continued
Breaking away from the ‘protest paradigm’
Protests aren’t common everywhere, but they are a regular part of the news diet. Whether you’re parachuting into Paris or a protest on the other side of the state, are there better approaches?
RJI seeks newsroom partners for millennial-driven innovative projects
Mid-October deadline for newsrooms wanting help next spring
Seven lessons for immersive storytellers from the RJI Innovation Series
Creating content for the leading edge of the immersive video world — virtual reality, augmented reality, 360-degree — can be challenging for many newsrooms both in terms of how to master the technology and what projects to try it on. RJI invited a handful of innovative folks who either use the technologies or write about … Continued
Gearing up for the 2018-2019 RJI Student Competition
This year’s details will be released soon, but in the meantime check out the video to learn the process for our annual innovation competition!
Drone storytelling: Changing how we capture the world
Matthew Borowick shares his advice, methods and passion for drone storytelling. Watch our next segment to see a story we produced while utilizing drones to expand our visuals.
Millennials: What does ‘news’ mean to this generation?
Diversity means so much more than just race, color, ethnicity, religion, political segmentation, income and education opportunity. It includes generational differences, among others. When thinking about age, we tend to focus on ageism discrimination. Yet, for the news industry, we have the boomers in our wheelhouse. It’s the millennials and younger that are cause for … Continued
Data-driven storytelling: An essential part of telling stories
Allison McCann, data reporter with Vice News Tonight on HBO, speaks about the power of data-driven storytelling to provide important context and depth to journalism.
Humera Lodhi: Creating a tool to uncover stories that aren’t being discussed or reported
When I first decided I wanted to be a journalist, my friends were a little shocked. I heard phrases like “journalism’s dead,” or “you’re never going to find a job,” or “what would you even do,” over, and over, and over again. To them, journalism was limited to newspapers — something that didn’t play a … Continued
Students create guide to teach journalists how to teach ‘the robots’
Artificial intelligence. Machine-learning. Natural-language processing. These terms have become buzzwords flying around the internet, boardrooms and everywhere in between. And journalists are not just writing about the emerging topics, they are also stepping up efforts to harness the enthusiasm.