Tag: New York Times
When and how should we use AI in news?
We spoke with Marc Lavallee of The New York Times about newsrooms incorporating AI technology and tools into their work.
The Uproot Project wants race and class at the forefront of environmental reporting
“The old narrative doesn’t work anymore — it never did. It’s time to take it out by its roots, and start anew.”
Journalism’s broken talent pipeline
It’s impossible to address what journalists do and why we exist without understanding how and who becomes a journalist today.
What does movement journalism mean for journalism as a whole?
Movement journalism. It didn’t yet have the name, but still, it was there in practice when Ida B. Wells’ name was first placed on the masthead on the Memphis Free Speech in 1892.
Pictures of the Year announces 78th competition winners
The judging of the 78th annual Pictures of the Year International, the oldest and most prestigious photojournalism contest, recently wrapped up with a new group of winners. This year’s contest brought in nearly 40,000 images, along with short films and online storytelling presentations. “The judging of the images and stories in POY this year was … Continued
Building simple data pipelines
Optimizing content limits on a user-by-user basis.
We’re building a better system for tracking source diversity
Chalkbeat and the Reynolds Journalism Institute want your help to develop the future of source auditingEvery news organization should be able to answer the question: “Does your journalism accurately reflect the communities you serve?” Historically, we know that disproportionately white newsrooms and the journalism they produce have not been inclusive of Black, Latino, Hispanic, Indigenous … Continued
RJI’s 2021–2022 fellows named
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute has awarded eight fellowships for the 2021–22 academic year that address a range of topics, from building collaborations around new kinds of content to inventing newsroom tools to exploring innovative ways to think about ongoing challenges. “These projects are a terrific mix of efforts to solve problems and explore … Continued
Journalism outlets need new social media policies
What should they look like? Pittsburgh Post-Gazette journalist Alexis Johnson was barred from protest coverage after joking about a Kenny Chesney concert on Twitter. She tweeted: “Horrifying scenes and aftermath from selfish LOOTERS who don’t care about this city!!!!! …. oh wait sorry. No, these are pictures from a Kenny Chesney concert tailgate. Whoops.” Johnson, … Continued
RJI announces finalists for annual student innovation competition
10 teams from across U.S. to help newsrooms connect with audiences