Tag: Seattle Times
A new approach to striking a balance between free speech and safe speech
How comprehension quizzes transform the comment section into a participatory journalism space.
RJI Student Innovation Fellow takes talents to ABC News ahead of 2020 presidential primaries
Fellowship program pairs up digitally-minded millennials with newsrooms
Inside The Seattle Times: A case study in community-funded journalism
Through her RJI Student Innovation Fellowship, Hannah Rodriguez was able to observe how reporters and editors at The Seattle Times worked to thread the needle of maintaining independence while receiving outside money for initiatives.
RJI 2018: Strengthening local journalism, testing practical innovations, and trust and transparency
As another year comes to a close, the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute reflects on some of its accomplishments and lessons learned with a mission of helping journalism survive and thrive.
Fellows tackle innovative campaign finance, community sports stories with partner newsrooms
Two newsrooms will benefit this spring from the help of tech-savvy University of Missouri journalists partnering with them on projects as RJI Student Innovation Fellows.
RJI seeks newsroom partners for millennial-driven innovative projects
Mid-October deadline for newsrooms wanting help next spring
New research indicates tight meters have won the pay model war for news websites
As the search for effective revenue models for online news sources continues, many websites have kept their content free. Newspapers, however, have erected a variety of pay models, including a variety of metered models. When newspapers first went online, the generally accepted wisdom of the time was that their content had to be free. It … Continued
WordPress moves news past the printed newspaper
Local newspaper sites have long broken all the rules for building a sticky site. Most still load painfully slowly. They are difficult to navigate and — let’s be honest — often ugly.—Matthew Hindman, Shorenstein Center For centuries newspaper design has stayed about the same. In 1880 printers introduced halftone photographs and in the 1980s the … Continued
A 2008-2009 Reynolds Fellow leads development of new journalism innovation center at Oregon
An innovation center committed to exploring how citizens can interact and gain value from journalism is becoming reality for the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism, thanks to a generous anonymous donor. UO alumnus Mike Fancher has been tasked with launching the new think tank — the Center for Journalism Innovation and Civic Engagement — … Continued
Pivot Point: Next steps
Last month, the Reynolds Journalism Institute convened 34 engineers, publishers, editors, researchers and academics in Chicago for a gathering entitled: “Pivot Point: Reinventing Community, Reinventing News in a Connected World.” In this post, we’ll report on why we gathered, what we did, and what should happen next. We’d like your suggestions. Please email densmorew@rjionline.org, or … Continued