Pictures of the Year International to celebrate milestone at Newseum; POYI director Shaw to retire

“Pictures of the Year: 75 Years of the World’s Best Photography,” an exclusive groundbreaking photography exhibit featuring seven decades of award-winning images from the archives of Pictures of the Year International, will be unveiled Friday, April 6, 2018, at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The images depict the people and events that have defined our … Continued

FL#199: Language recognition via Speechmatics

A British company called Speechmatics is working to build more accurate technology to turn spoken words into text across a wide range of different languages. We explore how the system might help journalists in the future. Reporting by Lily Oppenheimer, Rachel Wise and Jessica King. Additional information A key aspect of the technology is that … Continued

What is the role of a journalist in a post-objectivity world?

Editor’s note: Tom Warhover, Missouri School of Journalism associate professor, was part of a panel discussion titled “Objectivity in Journalism” June 6 at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. He was joined by political theorist Ainsley LeSure; Victor Navasky, editor emeritus of The Nation; and journalist Lewis Wallace, a Marketplace reporter who was fired after publishing the blog post “Objectivity is dead, and I’m okay with it.” These are Warhover’s opening remarks.

Missouri School of Journalism reporters put virtual reality into deadline news

Mizzou VR Journalism hit a benchmark recently by publishing a 360-degree illustrated news feature on normal online newspaper deadline. In an Oct. 26 article in the Columbia Missourian, Emily Shepherd wrote about a Harry Potter-themed astronomy lesson that night at the University of Missouri’s Laws Observatory. Stephanie Miller provided normal photographic coverage, but Claudia Chong and … Continued