Old guard, new models

Victor Hernandez, Banjo, moderator Jeff Sonderman, American Press Institute Kate Butler, Associated Press Seth Rogin, Nucleus Marketing Mark Maassen, Missouri Press Association While traditional platforms and channels still make up the bulwark of monetization streams for the “old guard” in media, many are seeking new, alternative revenue streams, some of while fall well outside of … Continued

Victor Hernandez: 50 things we learned at RJI-Distribution

Victor Hernandez, Banjo A recent profile piece on Victor Hernandez began with the following statement, “With what he’s wearing, Victor Hernandez seems to be part human and part robot.” And while all human cyborg rumors can neither be confirmed or denied, Hernandez has developed a reputation for infusing traditional journalism leadership with new media applications. Hernandez is … Continued

Unholy alliances, superheroes and the ‘drunken walk’

A not-so-subtle theme kept cropping up this week at the Collaboration Culture Symposium (#rjicollab) at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute: a superhero theme. Speakers conjured up images of caped crusaders in search of new alliances to fight the evils that have befallen The Fourth Estate. Those evils have eroded and disposed of the neophyte … Continued

Victor Hernandez: 50 Things We Learned From the Collaboration Culture Sympsium

Victor Hernandez, Banjo Victor Hernandez is a digital journalism strategist and new media thought leader with keen eyes and full attention toward the big picture of tomorrow’s rapidly changing media landscape. Hernandez is the director of media innovation at Banjo as well as an RJI Fellow, exploring the impact of wearable technologies on newsrooms. Hernandez worked extensively … Continued

RJI announces its 2015-2016 class of fellows

From exploring journalistic opportunities for wearable technology to helping smaller community newspapers provide digital services for advertisers, the ninth fellowship class of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute continues RJI’s commitment to nurturing and strengthening journalism’s service to citizens and their communities. This year’s residential, nonresidential and institutional fellowships were chosen from among 225 applicants … Continued