Tool to battle fake news wins RJI Student Competition
The winning team, VeriPixel, will go to New York City to meet with media and technology experts and leaders.
‘Science Friday’ tackles misinformation with socially shareable resources
During this monthly Q&A series, we’re checking in with the 2017-18 Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellows to see what’s new with their projects and find out what they’ve learned so far.
Changing media landscape adds yet another challenge to archivists of born-digital news content
On Nov. 2, just shy of the yearlong anniversary of his presidential victory, President Donald Trump’s Twitter account seemingly dissolved into history. For a fascinating and exhilarating 11 minutes, murmurs and conspiracy theories swept the internet: Was it a technological glitch? Had President Trump deleted his own account? Or had Twitter interpreted Trump’s digital demands … Continued
Help us build tools to better understand engagement data and improve revenue strategies
How do we identify user engagement behaviors and patterns that help us strengthen our products and our businesses? How can we encourage engaged users to deepen their connection with our work by signing up for a subscription, purchasing a membership, or sharing our content? How do we make those asks in the right ways and … Continued
Does the idea of talking to a news bot bother you? That is interesting. Please continue
The first chatbot was born in 1966. Eliza, as her creator named her, mimicked a psycho-therapist. You can still chat with Eliza, like I did. Eliza was a proof of concept: an experiment designed to explore the potential of conversational interfaces. Now, 50 years on, chatbots are starting to crack into the mainstream — at … Continued
Christopher Guess presents Push
RJI Fellow Christopher Guess spoke about Push, his open source mobile app, during a brown bag luncheon Aug. 31 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. Guess is improving the news app during his 2017-2018 fellowship. His tasks include simplifying the setup and management of the app, he says. Developing a news app from scratch … Continued
Survey: Journalists’ most urgent training needs are mobile, data and video
Respondents say they’d try bite-size lessons on their phone to learn digital skills.
Gotta catch ’em all: Archiving digital content such as social media should include linked objects
In the digital media world, there’s no guarantee that material that appears one minute will be there the next. Take, for example, Twitter posts of Anthony Scaramucci, who began deleting old tweets after being named White House communications director. Many — but not all — of the former presidential aide’s postings had already been identified … Continued
Michael Nelson: Presentation: Summarizing archival collections using storytelling techniques
Scroll to view transcript MICHAEL NELSON: [00:07] So, what I’m going to be talking about today is Yasmin [AlNoamany’s] Ph.D. work. [00:11] So, if you ask me any difficult questions I’m going to deflect the answer to her; she’s not far away at Berkeley doing a postdoc there. So, what I want to talk about … Continued
Jennifer Younger: Lightning rounds: Digital preservation: Aggregated, collaborative, Catholic
Scroll to view transcript JENNIFER YOUNGER: [00:07] Thank you, Ed. It’s great to be here. I’m here on behalf of our many stakeholders, our partners, our members, advisors and, of course, founders. What’s fascinating is our work and our project has been a collaboration right from the beginning. Our partners and stakeholders, they know what … Continued