Changing media landscape adds yet another challenge to archivists of born-digital news content

On Nov. 2, just shy of the yearlong anniversary of his presidential victory, President Donald Trump’s Twitter account seemingly dissolved into history. For a fascinating and exhilarating 11 minutes, murmurs and conspiracy theories swept the internet: Was it a technological glitch? Had President Trump deleted his own account? Or had Twitter interpreted Trump’s digital demands … Continued

New membership model gives Cuban news site financial, editorial independence

Readers of 14ymedio, a Cuban news outlet, can now play an active role protecting the future of the outlet’s fact-based, objective journalism through a new membership model. Reader memberships will give the news outlet greater financial independence, allowing it to answer primarily to its readers, says Alejandro González, development and innovation director. This aligns with the organization’s … Continued

Journalists, let’s invest in trust, not just expect it

We know trust in the news media is decreasing. I mean, it’s really not a pretty picture. Let’s start with this stat: A 2016 Gallup poll revealed that just 32% of Americans say they have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in mass media.

Poynter: Ready to practice comics journalism? Ask these questions before you commit

Editor’s note: This article was originally published by Poynter and is shared with permission.  Pairing illustration with news gathering is not a new idea. More than a century ago, the Illustrated London News hired artistic journalists, like its “Special War Artist” Melton Prior, to draw global events. Over the past few years news organizations both … Continued

Announcing the Fall 2018 RJI Student Innovation Fellowships

FAQ Q. What is an RJI Student Innovation Fellowship? A. The Reynolds Journalism Institute is partnering with leading news organizations to support Missouri School of Journalism students who work 30 hours per week on-site during the spring and fall semesters on new storytelling techniques, audience engagement strategies, delivery platforms, revenue opportunities and the like. Q. What … Continued

An investment pays off for RJI — and the news industry

Here at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute we’re lucky to have multiple ways to help ensure that journalism has a long and bright future, including providing seed funding and other resources to promising startup companies. We’re mainly interested in how those companies can help make journalism better, stronger and more sustainable, but we’re also … Continued

RiskMiner: An app for agribusiness

“Risk to the community, to people and to our food and fuel systems. We’re focusing strictly on agribusiness because that’s the focus of our news coverage and because it affects so much of our day to day lives.” said Pam Dempsey.

The contributor model

Rhett Power, Moderator, Columnist at CNBC, Moderator Rajul Varshneya, Columnist at Forbes Whitney Evans, with Deseret Digital Media One of the emerging content plays taking root is the “contributor model.” Low-cost, highly targeted, and leveraging the power of influencers and thought leaders, this content thrives on sites ranging from Inc. to Forbes to CNBC … Continued

Winning the niche

Chris Sheridan, Wake Forest University/Formerly, ESPN and CNBC, moderator James daSilva, SmartBrief Mark Babbitt, President, Switch and Shift Nathan Byrne, Newsy Brian Morrissey, President/Editor-in-Chief, DigiDay Media While some content streams seem saturated and almost impervious to new players, other content streams are rich and ripe for expansion and even monetization. And it’s not just sports … Continued

Emerging payment platforms and strategies

David Gehring, Relay Media, moderator Cosmin Ene, LaterPay Raju Narisetti, Gizmodo Bill Densmore, RJI Dan Peskorse, Invisibly, Inc. Pay models are evolving as more and more testing indicates users are interested in paying for valuable, relevant content that fits within their framework of consent. New payments models range from per-use micropayments, to more scaled subscription … Continued