RJI news
The Star Tribune asked its interns to envision the future of the company
Our presentation delivered strategies ranging from expanded revenue models to top-of-funnel engagement to subscriber retention.
When the Internet and the power are out, newsrooms might need a ‘hamd’
How can journalists report when there’s no power, electricity, reception? Radio amateurs come in handy.
AI takes ONA23 by storm
ONA 23, the Online News Association’s annual conference held last week in Philadelphia, demonstrated just how quickly artificial intelligence and machine learning have become a dominant focus in the industry, even as news organizations largely remain cautious about integrating Large Language Models like ChatGPT into workflows.
Two friendly AI sidekicks for web reading
These plugins help summarize, synthesize and analyze.
The removal of ego
The problem, especially when it comes to disability, media, and innovation, is that everyone thinks they know how to solve it, including those who need to listen most.
The case for human-centric advertising, even as the robots come for us
We can read a story and as humans, we can understand the impact that was made. But how do we help agencies and brands make a decision about who to work with and why?
Explaining complicated ideas, processes with digestible and impactful graphics
A conversation with Kavya Beheraj, Axios.
RJI Innovation Hub launches, brings together free resources for newsrooms
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) has announced the launch of the RJI Innovation Hub, an interactive website where RJI’s toolkits, guides and other resources for journalists and newsrooms are available in one place. These free resources — such as Agenda Watch, a tool that gathers information from public government meetings, or a guide … Continued
Tips for starting a hyperlocal podcast
What we learned from debuting a local sports podcast.
Optimize your SEO with service journalism
The concept of “news you can use” is not new to media organizations. However, with the rising importance of search engine optimization, these stories play a key role in not only driving traffic to news websites, but helping news organizations serve their communities.