Youth radio journalism resources roundup

Starting a journalism program for teens? You don’t need to create training and curriculum materials from scratch Starting a youth radio program at your shop means managing a lot of moving pieces. You’ve got to find funding, staff, space and equipment. You’ve got to meet with youth who are interested in storytelling and amplifying teen … Continued

2022 at the Reynolds Journalism Institute: The year in review

he Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) at the Missouri School of Journalism hit new heights in 2022 with a number of new and continuing projects that further cemented its place as a leader in innovation for the journalism industry.

Newest class of RJI Student Innovation Fellows to help newsrooms develop inventive solutions this summer

Six students at the Missouri School Journalism have been selected for the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute’s (RJI) Student Innovation Fellowships program. They will work at local news organizations around the country this summer to gain hands-on experience with a wide variety of innovative newsroom projects. “The 2023 RJI Student Innovation Fellows are all very … Continued