Listening to the audience is key to improving immersive 360/VR experiences

When I started my residential fellowship at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute 10 months ago, I wanted to investigate how 360/VR content creators could better put the audience at the center of our production process so that immersive journalism, and immersive technology in general, may reach its full potential. One of the biggest obstacles … Continued

Delivering news onto a digital porch

This summer for Innovation in Focus we are exploring news organizations which function through new, emerging or unique revenue models.

Ron Nixon

Ron Nixon, Homeland Security Correspondent for The New York Times, speaks about the future of investigative journalism amid downsizing.

Jim Brady

Jim Brady, Chief Executive Officer, Spirited Media

Amanda Wilkins

Amanda Wilkins, Audience Development Editor, The Dallas Morning News

John Clark

John Clark, Executive Director of PILOT, National Association of Broadcasters

Earl Wilkinson

Earl Wilkinson, Executive Director and CEO, International News Media Association (INMA)