Tag: Financial Times
Using Flourish stories to build a visual data experience
How we crafted a complete package on changing health outcomes in Lake County, California.
Inject, Pinpoint and Vizydrop: Tips and tricks
We tried multiple tools to help find, develop and illustrate a story for KBIA For my last Innovation in Focus piece for the year, I wanted to try a few new tools while I was reporting on the passing of Amendment 3 for KBIA with a group of three other journalists. You can read and … Continued
Interactive experiences: personalization and revisit value
For this Innovation in Focus, we spoke with Financial Times Data Reporter, David Blood, and Senior Developer, Ændrew Rininsland, to learn about how their interactive work has progressed, lessons learned, and see where they’re headed next. Greenway: How did you get started with interactive experiences? Rininsland: I’m a life-long web nerd and have been building web pages … Continued
Media lies and Brexit: A double hammer-blow to Europe and ethical journalism
Editor’s note: If you have an idea on how to solve problems created by fake news, filter bubbles or mistrust of the news media, please apply for a 2017-2018 RJI Fellowship. The application deadline is Feb. 1. In addition, RJI will soon post the full results of its Trusting News project, conducted by consulting fellow and engagement strategist Joy Mayer.
Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Is your go-to app on this list?
The news customization market is still very early and fragmented yet extremely promising. In the past five years about 20 serious players have emerged filling niche areas of this market, with some acquisitions already occurring (Pulse by LinkedIn in 2013, Summly by Yahoo in 2013, Zite by Flipboard in 2014). Big players Facebook and Apple … Continued