Jeremy Merrill: ProPublica’s project crowdsourcing political ads on Facebook

After the 2016 presidential election, Facebook received criticism and questions over a lack of transparency into micro-targeted political advertising on its platform. ProPublica has been particularly persistent in its coverage of electioneering on the social media giant. In  the fall 2017, the non-profit news organization launched a project to crowdsource the collection of political ads on Facebook. … Continued

Bots: Tips and Tools

How to use the Facebook ad archive for projects and tips on what to think about before you start!

FL141: Faster fact-checking and nonprofit partnerships

This week we find out how automation might speed up political fact-checking, and we learn what goes into successful partnerships that involve nonprofit news organizations. PART 1: Faster fact-checking It takes time to investigate whether claims made by politicians are true, but technology might help speed up that process. We get some ideas from PolitiFact … Continued

The opportunity for networks: Trust, antitrust and sharing users

This is the fourth of a series of blog reports about the status of the news landscape and a challenge to create a new one. The series is authored by Bill Densmore, a 2008-2009 RJI Fellow and originator of the Information Valet Project. View the series here. Banks do it. Airlines do it. Phone companies … Continued

In new news orgs, a glimpse at journalism founded on value, not mass

A few weeks back, John Thornton invited me to Austin, Tex., to take a look at his news organization in-the-making, a team of powerhouse journalists from all over the state who are assembling the ambitious effort that will be the Texas Tribune. Before coming to RJI, I worked in for-profit newsrooms, where the constant primary … Continued