Stories About Sisi Wei
System error
Learning from a newspaper’s plan to deploy an AI-powered “bias meter.”
Redesigning the article page for local news
The Salt Lake Tribune is building a toolkit to help you optimize article pages for enhanced reader engagement and support.
Telling people before you begin builds trust. Telling people only after you’re done erodes it
A guide for turning private conversations into public resources through community consent.
Setting boundaries so working on DEI doesn’t overwhelm my life
When working on diversity isn’t really a choice, what can we do to make sure we’re giving ourselves time to heal?
As a white manager, how do I build trust and be a good ally to my colleagues of color?
Our first DEI Coalition public resource and how we turned private community conversations into a shared resource.
Journalists: If you’ve worked with others to change your newsroom, you’re probably an organizer
Three lessons I’ve learned about journalism, organizing, and how closely intertwined they are.
Answering your questions on how to redesign brainstorming meetings
Meetings belong to participants, too: overcoming tech barriers and snackable next steps.
Redesign your live meeting agenda doc with these templates
How to prioritize people who are participating on their own time.
I’m redesigning brainstorming for asynchronous participation and I love it
Making effective meetings accessible to people not in the room.
Slack moderator structures should share power and guard against burnout
Focusing on logistics, emotional labor, welcome and support, safety, and membership review.