Voice delivered news: Innovation skill

Presenting content with voice assistants is becoming easier as templates and guides are simplified and made available to the public.
This month, Innovation in Focus experimented with Voice-Activated Assistants (VAA) such as Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri to see which was simplest for those with no coding background to build within. After experimenting with each platform, we opted to build our Innovation in Focus skill with a template for Amazon’s Alexa.
You can enable our skill here. Then tell your alexa device “Alexa, open Innovation Lab.” Try asking it about some of the tools that we’ve piloted for Innovation in Focus:
Alexa, what is augmented reality?
Alexa, tell me about voice-activated assistants!
Alexa, how can I get started with drone storytelling?
Next week: learn more about integrating VAA with news platforms in our interview with Remy Becher, Vice President for Product at the Economist