Tag: Artificial intelligence
What to do with too many images
RJI digital curator Edward McCain begins quest to rank and sort photo files through AI
AI isn’t taking journalists’ jobs. It is making them smarter and more efficient
Utopian or dystopian? When it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning, how journalists view the technology, and how willing they are to delve into the many layers it can empower, is the secret sauce in creating a better workplace. Five journalists from The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, WIRED, Dogtown Media and Graphika visited … Continued
RJI Innovation Series tackles artificial intelligence to embrace opportunities, fight challenges
Artificial intelligence poses a number of threats and opportunities to the news industry. News outlets such as Bloomberg and The Washington Post have used robots to help produce content. But some journalists fear robots might replace them.
A robot commits libel. Who is responsible?
For all their apparent infallibility, bots, like their human predecessors, are also vulnerable to mistakes.One of the worst mistakes is committing libel. How should courts treat cases in which a robot generates a defamatory statement?
Students create guide to teach journalists how to teach ‘the robots’
Artificial intelligence. Machine-learning. Natural-language processing. These terms have become buzzwords flying around the internet, boardrooms and everywhere in between. And journalists are not just writing about the emerging topics, they are also stepping up efforts to harness the enthusiasm.