Tag: David Kurpius
Report for America selects 11 newsrooms to expand the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk
Report for America today announced the selection of 11 partner newsrooms that will join the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, an independent environmental reporting network based at Missouri School of Journalism, in 2024.
Mississippi River Basin Ag and Water Desk to host webinar discussing research on attitudes toward environment, media in the river basin
On Nov. 14 at noon, the Missouri School of Journalism’s Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk will host Assistant Professor Kate Rose for a webinar covering her recently announced research into public perceptions of the environment and news media in the river basin. The webinar will be free and open to the public.
Missouri School of Journalism releases groundbreaking report on attitudes toward environment, media in Mississippi River Basin
The Missouri School of Journalism has released a report on the attitudes and environmental awareness of people living in the Mississippi River Basin — the largest drainage basin in the United States and a vital environmental and agricultural region.
11th Hour Project awards $1.1 million, 3-year grant to Watchdog Writers Group
Funding will support authors and students to produce high impact investigative print reporting projects.
Missouri School of Journalism launches new investigative fellowship program to support authors
RJI to house new Watchdog Writers Group, which will provide stipends to authors as they work on in-depth print journalism projects.
Tool to battle fake news wins RJI Student Competition
The winning team, VeriPixel, will go to New York City to meet with media and technology experts and leaders.
Video: Dean David Kurpius on the RJI Student Competition 2017
David Kurpius, dean of the Missouri School of Journalism, talks about the upcoming RJI Student Competition.
Nonresidential fellow jumpstarts his project with a visit to RJI
My fellowship project was transformed earlier this month during a three-day visit to Columbia, Missouri. The occasion was an informal convening of several of this year’s Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute fellows to discuss the varied projects we hope to bring to fruition over the coming months. Though it was a laid-back affair, the conversations … Continued
AP’s Kia Breaux passionate about helping young people pursue college dreams
“I am the end result of the Talk Story, Write Story program’s mission,” said Kia Breaux, Midwest Regional Director of The Associated Press based in her hometown of Kansas City. “I certainly could have benefited from this program, and I know many others who could have as well.” She offered her remarks during a day-long … Continued
Interviewing tool for Apple Watch wins 2016 RJI Student Competition
Technical Merit award goes to event-mapping app