Tag: RJI fellowships
True or false: PolitiFact, pols and pundits
Who in the news is lying? Who’s telling the truth? To find out I “scored” each person and group checked by PolitiFact.
How building trust with news consumers is like dating
Relationships take work. You don’t get intimacy without putting in some time. You don’t ask for favors without offering the equivalent yourself. You earn trust by being there consistently, and by listening. The Trusting News project is basically a recipe for a genuine, two-way relationship with news consumers, rather than just an exchange of information. Relationships … Continued
Are you leaving money on the table?
Four ways to monetize your e-newsletter.
Community sources of info for AL.com newsroom project include immigrant population
There is perhaps no more misunderstood and maligned community in Alabama than the state’s population of undocumented immigrants. Uncounted by definition, they’re still reeling from the negative impacts of the state’s H.B. 56. Passed in 2011, the law wreaked havoc on the immigrant community by imposing a host of draconian measures, from demanding that police … Continued
Test, test, test! Designing a data-driven newsletter
The greatest barrier to being data-driven isn’t capacity or expertise, but discipline. Third in a series to help newsrooms curate effective newsletters.
The Ann Friedman Weekly: How one freelance journalist created a massively successful newsletter
Second in a series to help newsrooms curate effective newsletters. Newsrooms can no longer afford to distribute poorly curated newsletters. Yet executives from many modern newsrooms say they lack the financial and staff capacity to do otherwise.
Why send a newsletter at all?
E-newsletters have become a primary engagement, dissemination and revenue-generating tool for modern newsrooms. With benefits ranging from reader loyalty to audience insights to new revenue, it’s easy to see why. What’s harder to see is the “why not,” though it’s equally important. Email used to be a method for filtering the internet. Far from the … Continued
The rise of messaging is undeniable, and it’s not just text
Mobile messaging was born in December 1992 with a simple SMS: “Merry Christmas.” Today it’s the most ubiquitous form of human communication short of speaking. Any of the 6 billion of us with a phone can do it. And with the advent of apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Line, WeChat and Telegram, messaging is … Continued
Newsrooms test social media strategies to forge relationships with audiences
When it comes to social media strategy, it’s not enough for journalists to “be where the audience is” anymore. At least half of U.S. adults get news from social media, yet less than 12 percent of those who do, trust the information they get there. Journalists can’t simply occupy social media spaces; they need to … Continued
How do you connect disconnected people to the internet and digital news? There’ll be an app for that
My cousin lives in Cuba. He is one of the lucky 250,000 Cubans (out of 11.2 million) who connects to the internet every day. To connect, he first purchases an access card from ETECSA, the state-owned telecommunication company, at 2 CUC per hour of internet (10 percent of the average salary for a Cuban citizen). … Continued