Journalism education
Mobile microlearning works! Sample the first course in digital journalism delivered to your phone
Almost two years ago, Linda Austin asked for your help in identifying your training needs in digital journalism. Now, the results are back from that first course in digital journalism delivered via mobile microlearning.
RJI seeks newsroom partners for millennial-driven innovative projects
Mid-October deadline for newsrooms wanting help next spring
Tool to battle fake news wins RJI Student Competition
The winning team, VeriPixel, will go to New York City to meet with media and technology experts and leaders.
New online textbook is comprehensive resource for teaching media entrepreneurship
This Q&A has been edited for space and clarity. An evolving online textbook, written and reviewed by entrepreneurs, student innovators and educators, prepares journalism students to take entrepreneurial work from “idea to implementation.” Co-editor Michelle Barrett Ferrier, 2016–17 RJI Fellow and an Ohio University professor, says “Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship” was born out of the … Continued
RJI announces spring 2018 Student Innovation Fellows
Four Missouri School of Journalism students will bring their skills and passions to Washington, D.C., and New York City newsrooms as 2018 Reynolds Journalism Institute Student Innovation Fellows.
Tyus Monroe: A Talk Story, Write Story success story in progress
Tyus Monroe is a 2017 graduate of Hickman High School in Columbia, Missouri. She believes teachers aren’t engaging young black male students as much as other kids. That’s why she wants to become a teacher. “If I can do my part to get more black males in the graduating class, I’m going to do that … Continued
Class is in session: Join me to create mobile learning in digital skills for journalists
Second in a series introducing our 2017-2018 RJI Fellows and their projects.
Media Innovation Summit raises challenges, solutions for student innovators
Student founders of color face unique challenges to creating sustainable ventures in the media innovation space. These include advertiser biases, lack of technological development support and plain old-fashioned racism. Top innovators of color in media entrepreneurship — from broadcast media and education to online and hyperlocal enterprises — came together April 22 to advance solutions … Continued
Four teams tap AI in 10th annual RJI Student Competition
Students taking part in the 2016-2017 RJI Student Competition at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute are harnessing artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to develop mobile apps for journalists and citizens who engage with journalism. Four teams — Colloquy, Mind Flow, NaberFeed and Voice Veritas — will receive media, business, IT and legal mentoring … Continued
We asked journalists: How do you fit in time to learn about industry information?
In the midst of so much to do, how and when do journalists take the time to learn more about our industry? And what formats or platforms make learning easy? I’ve been asking those questions as I wrap up a really cool project and want to share what I’ve learned in ways that are useful … Continued