JDNA stories

Have you heard about the 34-part Pulitzer Prize nominee that just disappeared off the Internet? How can this be prevented from happening again? Our stories highlight the importance of preserving born-digital news — sharing some victories and some tragic failures — and what we’re doing about it.
JDNA stories
Keynote: Brian Hocker, KXAS-TV, NBCUniversal
MARTIN HALBERT: [Slide 1, 00:00] I’m Martin Halbert, dean of libraries at the University of North Texas. It’s my pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker, who I advocated for very hard. Brian Hocker is vice president for digital media production and research at NBC 5 / KXAS in Dallas-Fort Worth. Let me tell you why…
Dodging the Memory Hole conference receives funding from Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dodging the Memory Hole 2016: Saving Online News was one of 20 initiatives to receive grant funding this week from the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. The forum is a part of an event series of the Journalism Digital News Archive at the University of Missouri and will promote the preservation of born-digital news content. The Laura Bush program is part of the…
Models for preserving news archives that long served the industry leave digital content in peril
Edward McCain, digital curator of journalism at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, spoke about the growing loss of born-digital content at Dodging the Memory Hole: Beyond NDNP, a meeting of concerned archivists, journalists and other stakeholders held on Sept. 16 in Washington, D.C. Below are his remarks. How many of you read George Orwell’s novel…
McCainspeakwrite plusgood, or How I came up with the name ‘Dodging the Memory Hole’
We started digging our current Memory Hole a few decades ago: Technological systems that support the creation and presentation of modern journalism, those digital troves holding “the first rough draft of history,” morphed so quickly and frequently over the years that we no longer know where the treasure is buried. Like drunken buccaneers, journalistic enterprises…
McCainspeakwrite or How I came up with the name ‘Dodging the Memory Hole’
It’s been two years since I rolled out of Tucson, Arizona, and headed east on Interstate 10 toward the University of Missouri, a.k.a. Mizzou, my alma mater in Columbia, Missouri. Along with suitcases and camera gear from 30 years as a photojournalist, I brought audiobooks to pass the hours on cruise control. My first selection…
Preserving a visual record, Part 2
The drive to create a born-digital photo archive at the Columbia Missourian
Preserving a visual record, Part 1
The drive to create a born-digital photo archive at the Columbia Missourian
Knight grant will help RJI develop born-digital-news preservation model
A $35,000 grant from the Knight News Challenge on libraries will help University of Missouri Libraries and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute develop a long-term model to protect born-digital news content from being lost forever. Monetizing newspaper content is one approach to saving the nation’s first draft of history, says Edward McCain, digital curator of…
How the Denver Public Library ended up owning the Rocky Mountain News archive
Among the many stories shared at the recent “Dodging the Memory Hole” forum at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, none were more gripping and significant than the tale of how the Denver Public Library ended up owning the Rocky Mountain News archive. Like any good investigative report, the backstory is important to understand because…
That’s engagement: Forum participants plot course to preserve born-digital news content
The opportunity to advance the preservation of born-digital news is real. That’s my takeaway from the Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content forum, which was held Nov. 10-11 at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. One of the primary objectives of the event was to help build…