RJI news
Making sense of your core web vitals
Learn how the loading speed, accessibility and other performance metrics of your news site stacks up.
What journalists are saying about Muslims in the news media
Community voices.
Acknowledging the toll
Why we need trauma-informed safety training for journalists.
Being the utility man of product work
There is a lot to gain from getting to experiment in different spaces of product work on a team.
ONA22: Metrics and mission don’t have to stay separate
At ONA22, yesterday’s Tech Trends talk tying the future of journalism to AI and the metaverse gave way to a discussion today about using AI and data-driven decision-making to connect more closely with audiences.
Honoring the vulnerability of people’s stories when designing projects
A conversation with Ilia Blinderman, Senior Journalist-Engineer at The Pudding.
15th annual Tech Trends talk at ONA22 challenges journalists to embrace metaverse
LOS ANGELES (Sept. 23, 2022) — At the 15th annual Tech Trends session at ONA22, Anders Grimstad of the Schibsted Futures Lab in Norway laid out the case for a future journalism industry defined by artificial intelligence and synthetic media. Grimstad covered a number of innovations in AI-assisted writing and content generation that he expects … Continued
RJI’s second day at ONA22 delivers deep discussion of creating and maintaining accessible and inclusive news coverage
LOS ANGELES (Sept. 22, 2022) — On the second day of ONA22 in Los Angeles, four RJI fellows took the stage to introduce their projects to the audience and take questions about promoting inclusivity, equity and accessibility — both in news coverage and in newsrooms themselves. RJI Director of Innovation Kat Duncan moderated the discussion, … Continued
How to curate product kits with resources you already have
Repackaging past work into helpful tools for your audience.
RJI opens ONA22 with hands-on workshop exploring source diversity in journalism
The session also introduced a new tool, co-developed with Chalkbeat, that helps newsrooms audit their source lists to identify overrepresented and underrepresented voices.