Global Press Mexico reporters
Ensuring users find our style guide chrome extension
Communicating value, clear imagery, solid reviews and more
As we come near the launch of the Global Press Style Guide Chrome extension, it is time to finalize how people will find it. How will people know it’s available? How will they find it? Will they know how to use it?
Chrome extensions are tools built with utility and purpose in mind. We know a style guide is an indispensable tool for reporters and editors and is referred to often in the writing process. But to access other style guides, writers often have to open a new window or a new tab. Our Chrome extension of a style guide offers a simple and effective user experience by placing the style guide right at the fingertips — literally — of writers in the same window or screen through the extension.

As the first newsroom style guide Chrome extension (and in three languages!), our goal is for wide adoption and usage. We’ve been so focused on the technical development of the extension — now we are focusing on marketing it as we head towards a public launch.

Here are some considerations
Clear value proposition
The title of our extension, “Global Press Style Guide,” makes clear what we are offering, but we also need to provide a description. The web version of the Style Guide states, “promoting dignity and precision in the practice of international journalism.” Incorporating relevant keywords will help users find our Style Guide.
Which category?
Users browsing for tools in the Chrome web store may not know to look for our Style Guide by name, so we need to make sure it’s classified correctly. The Chrome web store is broken into two major categories, Productivity and Lifestyle. A likely place to find our Style Guide will be in the subset of Communication, which falls under Productivity.
The Chrome web store is highly visual, so selecting an icon, along with some screenshots of the extension’s functionality, will help catch the eye of users browsing for style guide tools.
Reviews and ratings
For any web store, reviews and ratings are key to driving demand and downloads. We intend to highlight the reviews from Global Press reporters and editors.
Cite this article
Wu, Celia (2024, February 21). Ensuring users find our style guide chrome extension. Reynolds Journalism Institute. Retrieved from: https://rjionline.org/reporting/ensuring-users-find-our-style-guide-chrome-extension/