Startup newsroom founders visit RJI, Missouri School of Journalism to share what they have learned

Last week, two of the startup newsroom founders supported by the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) — in partnership with the Tiny News Collective — visited RJI and the Missouri School of Journalism to share their insights and expertise. Luella Brien, founder of Four Points Media, and Nora Hertel, founder of Project Optimist, spoke with students … Continued

Newsrooms come together to tackle problem of digital news preservation

Leadership from each of the Missouri School of Journalism’s professional media outlets gathered together in a conference room in late April, no small feat for a group in charge of “feeding the beast” of news media day after day while also juggling teaching responsibilities at the School. The challenge that brought them together? Preservation and accessibility of digital news archives.

Mark Horvit: The Power and Peril of Collaboration

Mark Horvit, Investigative Reporters & Editors Mark Horvit is the executive director of Investigative Reporters & Editors. He oversees training, conferences and services for more than 5,000 members worldwide, and for programs including the National Institute of Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) and DocumentCloud. Horvit also is an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism, where he teaches … Continued