Tag: New York Times
Can pay-by-text micropayments become a viable revenue source for newspapers?
COVID-19 accelerated what we’ve known for some time: Newsrooms cannot rely on advertising. Now more than ever newsrooms need to grow reader revenue — soliciting direct support from their readers. We have subscriptions. A new study from the International News Media Association (INMA) found that 39% of digital news publishers across 33 countries charged for … Continued
‘Touching the Future:’ Q&A with a pioneer on the vision and future of tablets 10 years after iPad
Ten years have elapsed since Roger Fidler touched for the first time the thin, lightweight device he had been dreaming about since 1980.
Print archives show past impeachments. Where will we go to find the history being made today?
After Trump released a partial transcript of the call with Ukraine, Washington Post readers were treated to an almost exact parallel from 45 years ago. “That time Nixon released doctored transcripts during Watergate.”
RJI Fellow wants to make media, tech companies more aware of need to preserve content
Nineteen of 21 news outlets weren’t doing anything to archive web content. A lack of awareness and action in this area has driven Neil Mara to leverage his industry experience and contacts to help find archiving solutions for media companies.
Ron Nixon
Ron Nixon, Homeland Security Correspondent for The New York Times, speaks about the future of investigative journalism amid downsizing.
Journalists discuss social media’s struggle to navigate the line between free speech and hate speech
Tessa Weinberg and Yanqi Xu WASHINGTON — Social media sees it all. From the photos we share to keep friends and family in the loop, to violent content in the wake of terror attacks, the ubiquitous platforms that increasingly define our lives are struggling to spur connections rather than deepen divisions. It’s an issue journalists … Continued
CNN anchor Brian Stelter wants you to ‘look up’
Tessa Weinberg and Annika Merrilees WASHINGTON — Brian Stelter wants everybody to stop, take a second and look up. From their smartphones, that is. The devices in people’s hands hold everything from news alerts to entertainment, hope and hate speech, said Stelter, the keynote speaker at the April 25 Hurley-Sloan Symposium at the National Press … Continued
Journalists, legal experts wrangle with the First Amendment and social media
First Amendment advocates and social media observers acknowledged at the Missouri–Hurley and Price Sloan Symposium that the journalism and legal sectors are walking a tight rope. “We are having a reckoning about big tech that is overdue,” said Brian Stelter, the chief media correspondent for CNN Worldwide and anchor of “Reliable Sources.” “I do believe … Continued
D.C. symposium to discuss social media and the First Amendment
Missouri-Hurley and Price Sloan Symposium will be held April 25 in Washington
Pictures of the Year to celebrate winners during awards reception, public forum
Event to also recognize College Photographer of the Year