What can grow in the desert?

We are awash with studies and white papers about the demise of local newsrooms as a threat to our democracy. But what if, instead of asking what we’ve lost, we ask what can actually grow in these deserts? 

Reynolds Journalism Institute fellows to present overviews of their projects

Fellows will discuss what they learned and answer questions about their projects during the webinar. The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute’s 2020-2021 fellows will present an overview of their projects on Tuesday, Feb. 16 beginning 11 a.m. CST.  Six fellows will discuss their project and what they learned, how they accomplished their goals, and share … Continued

What’s next for Documented Semanal, a WhatsApp newsletter

When the pandemic began, we, like many other organizations, worked quickly to respond to all of the pressing needs of our readers. Tens of thousands of NeW Yorkers were suddenly left jobless and afraid of getting sick. We knew financial relief and organizations seeking to help were out there, but many residents did not know … Continued