MobileVideoDIY capstone team

Many prominent news organizations, including CNN, the BBC and the Guardian, rely heavily on user-generated content to drive audience engagement and cover important stories. A convergence journalism capstone team mentored by Beth Pike, Mike Wheeler and Greg Harper was tasked with researching what types of user-generated content stories are most important, then to produce tutorials … Continued

Mike Wheeler: MobileVideoDIY: 360-degree resources for the mobile videographer

Mike Wheeler Managing Partner, Westerly Partners, LLC. Mike Wheeler is the managing partner in Westerly Partners, LLC., an investor advisory that provides strategic, financial and technology solutions to early-stage companies focused on the new media and technology industries. Westerly Partners serves as an advisor, investor or board member to adfreeq, BBN Networks, ChyronHego, Cycorp, FanCandy, … Continued

Content Matters: An Interview with Edward McCain of the Reynolds Journalism Institute

For this installment of the Content Matters interview series of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Content Working Group I interviewed Edward McCain, digital curator of journalism at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and University of Missouri Libraries. Missouri University Libraries joined the NDSA this past summer. Ashenfelder: What is RJI’s relationship to the Missouri … Continued

2012 Mobile survey results

The staff of the RJI Insight and Survey Center interviewed more than 1,000 individuals randomly selected from phone number lists between January 17 and March 25, 2012, for RJI’s 2012 Mobile Media News Consumption Survey. More than half of the participants used a cell phone. No incentives were offered to participate in the survey. The … Continued

Newspaper Archive Summit white paper suggests next steps for stakeholders

A mandate to preserve — a white paper (PDF) — was produced for the Newspaper Archive Summit Network by Victoria McCargar, veteran journalist, archivist and digital curation consultant. This white paper provides an assessment of the first Newspaper Archive Summit and offers suggestions for next steps. On April 10-12, 2011, the Reynolds Journalism Institute, MU … Continued

Where do tablets fit in your news organization’s future?

This report focuses on what has been learned so far about news consumption behaviors on Apple iPads from research conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI), The Associated Press, Online Publishers Association and Google’s AdMob subsidiary between July 2010 and June 2011. While competing devices are now making their way into the consumer marketplace, their … Continued

RJI-DPA spring 2011 iPad survey results

This follow-up panel survey conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute was designed to gather additional information about how Apple iPad owners use the device in their daily lives and how the iPad may influence news consumption. The 561 panelists who completed this survey were self-selected from the nearly 1,600 Apple iPad owners who participated in … Continued

RJI-DPA spring 2011 iPad survey results

This follow-up panel survey conducted by the Reynolds Journalism Institute was designed to gather additional information about how Apple iPad owners use the device in their daily lives and how the iPad may influence news consumption. The 561 panelists who completed this survey were self-selected from the nearly 1,600 Apple iPad owners who participated in … Continued

RJI-DPA fall 2010 iPad survey results

The Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) is conducting a multi-year research project to understand how Apple iPad users consume news content. The initial phase was a cross-sectional survey with 20 questions conducted online from September 6 through November 30, 2010. The RJI plans to conduct at least one follow-up panel survey and another cross-sectional survey in … Continued