Can pay-by-text micropayments become a viable revenue source for newspapers?

COVID-19 accelerated what we’ve known for some time: Newsrooms cannot rely on advertising. Now more than ever newsrooms need to grow reader revenue — soliciting direct support from their readers. We have subscriptions. A new study from the International News Media Association (INMA) found that 39% of digital news publishers across 33 countries charged for … Continued

Challenge Accepted! What newsrooms need to know about Generation Z

A Missouri School of Journalism capstone team worked with BuzzFeed to find the answer to one complex question: What does Gen Z celebrate? While finding the answer, we were to develop personality profiles that captured what it’s like to be a member of Gen Z

Safety, prep and knowing your rights

Hostile Environment Awareness trainers, journalists and NPPA general counsel answer questions about safety, prep and legal rights on volatile assignments

Thanks to COVID-19, local news will never be the same. And it shouldn’t be

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our routines, transformed our social interactions and redefined our relationships. Yet, as odd as it sounds, we’ll likely come to appreciate some of the changes this crisis wrought. Panic has a knack for dislodging lethargy. In local news, this lethargy — in the form of a steadily declining but still … Continued