Working from home in the age of pandemic

In a normal week many of us might work from home for a day or an afternoon or an evening. But this was not a normal week, nor will be next week or the week after.

Records request stalling? Scrape their site!

Garrison had been waiting for an Indiana state agency to respond to his open records request. He knew the data existed and, if he could just get a full copy of it, he could finally answer a question that had bugged him for over a year.

Journalism’s coverage combover isn’t fooling anyone

Visit many American cities, and you’ll find a local newspaper with a staff half the size of 15 years ago. Welcome to the Age of the Journalism Combover, where the necessary resources no longer exist to cover the desired terrain.

The Road to OTT: Stop calling it OTT!

Looking for cutting edge television technology? We had to visit Capitol Broadcasting in Raleigh, North Carolina. No surprise in today’s stop on The Road to OTT that WRAL-TV got into OTT more than seven years ago and is already on its second generation.