Knight grant will help RJI develop born-digital-news preservation model

A $35,000 grant from the Knight News Challenge on libraries will help University of Missouri Libraries and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute develop a long-term model to protect born-digital news content from being lost forever. Monetizing newspaper content is one approach to saving the nation’s first draft of history, says Edward McCain, digital curator of … Continued

Circa app adds breaking news alerts

Breaking news alerts are among the key features of Circa News 2, the latest update to the mobile news startup. Released last week, the feature is also included in Circa’s new Android app. Circa launched in October 2012 as an app on iOS devices and identifies itself as a news source that delivers news in … Continued

Underserved health beat leads fellow to create niche news network

When traditional news organizations begin laying off beat reporters, crucial community coverage can take a hit. Health is one beat that is underserved in almost every community. People want to understand why so much money is spent on healthcare every year and why there are so many health problems in communities, said Jane Stevens, … Continued