Tag: prison journalism project
Excellence.is within reach
Operational excellence isn’t just about avoiding disasters — it’s about unlocking your organization’s full potential.
Facilitating media-making workshops with youth who are incarcerated
11 tips for getting started.
Honoring the vulnerability of people’s stories when designing projects
A conversation with Ilia Blinderman, Senior Journalist-Engineer at The Pudding.
Building a visual storytelling experience in Newspack
Newspack streamlines publisher content, but creative storytelling can be a challenge.
Introducing the Prison Journalism Navigator
Resources to help newsrooms collaborate with prison journalists.
Changing the language around incarceration
Instead of “inmate,” use “person in prison” or “person who is incarcerated.”
Journalism by postal mail
How to work with writers who don’t have internet access and other structural challenges Journalism today requires reporters to respond, report and file stories quickly. The assumption is that they have access to cell phones, computers, email, and the internet to do their work. But incarcerated people have none of that. So how do we … Continued
It is imperative that we think about our writers’ physical, emotional and legal safety
Lessons from the Global Press Institute’s Duty of Care program.
Q&A with Darryl Holliday: Lessons in training everyday people to document public events
“I think people get it much more quickly than journalists will give them credit for.”
Lessons learned from a scoop out of San Quentin
Last month, the Prison Journalism Project broke new ground with a story that began with an unexpected phone call from our correspondent inside San Quentin State Prison in the San Francisco Bay area.