Addressing the latest wave of coronavirus misinformation

First Draft created a special section on COVID-19 in its Basic Toolkit for verification. ONA quickly published a COVID-19 Misinformation Playbook and SPJ’s Journalist’s Toolbox maintains its own page of resources for fact-checking coronavirus information. Using these guides and a few select tools can help journalists verify facts and fight misinformation.

Want to collaborate more? Get your tools to talk to each other

Put automations to work to make collaborating easier with tools like Airtable, Slack and Google Drive The One Newsroom, which is the convergence of The Columbia Missourian, KBIA, KOMU, Vox Magazine, and the Missouri Business Alert, into one space, has created more opportunities for collaboration.  The Missourian converted its old content budgeting process (once hosted … Continued

How to verify videos

Videos can present a difficult challenge for verification when you aren’t receiving them from a trusted source.

Making Agenda Watch useful to journalists across the country

Big Local News and the Reynolds Journalism Institute will make Agenda Watch a full-featured platform for journalists, one that provides the ability to research past agendas and minutes as well as subscribe to alerts based on topics and keywords relevant to a reporter’s beat.