News archives: The untapped resource Part 3

This excerpt from Neil Mara’s research report highlights the top selections from each of the five categories of examples showing how newsrooms are using the content of their news archives to their benefit.

Make your newsroom’s social media more accessible

Focusing on accessibility is a great way for newsrooms to make content available to a larger audience. The content will be more easily consumed when you put in the effort to make it accessible to everyone.

News archives: The untapped resource Part 2

In talking with more than a hundred news editors and reporters, managers and specialists across the industry for this research, Neil Mara found great examples of tangible benefits that newsrooms gain from their archives.

Free tools for interactive digital storytelling

Interactive maps and data visualizations are great visuals to add to any online news package. These can be created using code, but there are also many online tools that your newsroom can use to improve digital storytelling for very little or no cost.