Pictures of the Year announces 78th competition winners

The judging of the 78th annual Pictures of the Year International, the oldest and most prestigious photojournalism contest, recently wrapped up with a new group of winners. This year’s contest brought in nearly 40,000 images, along with short films and online storytelling presentations. “The judging of the images and stories in POY this year was … Continued

Social media policies are not the real issue

Gabe Schneider, Kendra Pierre-Louis, Sisi Wei and Karen K. Ho in a discussion around how newsrooms can work to become anti-racist starting with their social media policies and how they enforce them. Reporters of color being punished and fired for tweets is a symptom of the larger problem that newsrooms need to tackle head on. … Continued

Collaborative community ‘zine’ wins top news engagement idea at RJI Student Innovation Competition

A student team that partnered with L.A. Taco, a digital-only news source in Los Angeles, to create a collaborative community ‘zine’ (short for magazine) to help with engagement, won the 2020-21 RJI Student Innovation Competition. “Remains to be Zine,” which was made up of Caitlin Hernandez, Astrid Kayembe, Laura Gonzalez and Melody Waintal of the … Continued