Fellows 2008–2009
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson graduated with honors in English from Harvard College in 2002. He went on to work at the Poynter Institute from 2003-04 as the Naughton Fellow for Online Reporting and Writing. While at Poynter, he and his colleague Robin Sloan produced the Flash movie EPIC 2014, a picture of the media past set 10 … Continued
Jane Stevens
From 1988 to 1996 Jane Stevens worked for the Boston Globe and San Francisco Examiner. Among other jobs she served as a reporter, columnist and editor. In 1993 Stevens began the Violence Reporting Project which encourages news organizations to add a prevention/public health approach to crime reporting. She is still the director of that program. … Continued
Jennifer Reeves
Jennifer Reeves trains social communications to the national AARP organization and its members. Prior to that, she was an associate professor for the Radio-Television Journalism program and new media director for KOMU-TV at the Missouri School of Journalism for almost 10 years.
Mike Fancher
Mike Fancher is currently the interim chair at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication’s Center for Journalism Innovation and Civic Engagement in Portland, Ore. Fancher has been asked to help launch the new center, which is located at his alma mater. According to the SOJC, “the center exists to explore the current … Continued
Margaret Duffy
Margaret Duffy earned her Ph.D. in mass communication with an emphasis in organizational behavior from the University of Iowa. She is currently a faculty member at the Missouri School of Journalism and teaches courses in strategic communication, research methods, and media management. Her research focuses on new and interactive media, especially with regard to advertising … Continued
Bill Densmore
Bill Densmore was a member of the 2008-2009 class of Donald W. Reynolds Fellows. He is executive director of the Information Trust Exchange Governing Exchange, an initiative spawned from his research and consulting with RJI since his resident fellowship. He is also a co-founder of Taxonometrics Inc., a New York incubator-stage company focused on the … Continued